Wessex Research Group Network

The Wessex Research Group Network archive contains those lectures that have been digitised and are freely downloadable as a personal educational tool. Further lectures can be found by clicking the buttons below as well as at Podbean, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.




Title: Snakes and Ladders: 2012 Game Over or Next Level

Speaker: Geoff Stray

Geoff who has studied calendrical systems for more than 23 years suggests that many belief and wisdom traditions (including the Chinese I Ching, Peruvian, Maori, Hopi and Mayan teachings) consider the precession of time through a 26,000 year cycle and so include lunar calendars to measure this. These calendars would indicate the convergence of time around the year of 2012, signifying the start of a golden age and a new time cycle.

Title: The Christ Impulse in an Age of Turmoil

Speaker: Sir George Trevelyan

What is expected of us if we are to unfold and grow in to the new age of Aquarius? Sir George suggests that any turnaround in human consciousness has to come from within each and every one of us. The way forward cannot be found within the parameters of current scientific, economic or social models of existence, but we must expand our awareness to consider that we are the living manifestation of consciousness (spiritual and physical beings). We therefore are part of the Earth and part of a wider universe, itself an ocean of thought and love. Are we ready to open ourselves to the impulse of love; the outpouring of the waters of Aquarius?

Title: The Paradox of Mysticism

Speaker: Irina Tweedie

A wonderful lecture, that draws on the truths of many spiritual teachings as well as Irina's experiences as a mystic. She begins by presenting definitions and describing the nature of mysticism, the paradox being that mystical experience has to be experienced and cannot be easily conveyed or explained to others to the satisfaction of the human mind. Irina then describes the spiritual life path of the mystic, the path leading to union and oneness with all things.

Title: The Second Coming of Christ 

Speaker: Brian Williams

Brian gives his interpretation of the second coming of Christ based on his assessment of doctrinal teaching. He concludes that any such event might not be about the physical and literal return of a spiritual teacher, but rather a spiritual and mystical awakening, underpinned by the emergence of the Christ impulse and a new planetary energy system. 

Title: The Language of Atlantis

Speaker: Murray Hope

Channelled by Murray Hope, here is an example of the Atlantean language that was spoken prior to the fall of that civilisation around 7,000 years ago. As a tongue Atlantean contributed to many of the early languages notably Greek, Latin and Egyptian. The nearest language in use today to which it could be equated is Basque, but there are also a few guttural sounds which are met with the Celtic and allied tongues. Atlanteans were also capable of communication by telepathic means as well as through the spoken word. Source: Material kindly donated from the archives of the Atlanteans

Title: Cycles of Heaven. Cosmic Influences on Human Behaviour

Speaker: Guy Lyon Playfair

Vast amounts of information about the solar system have been collected, but do we yet fully understand the relationship between human behaviour and the energy cycles and fluxes of the wider universe? Guy presents an evidence based summary of the mechanics of existence and the knowledge of such relationships. We know for example that sunspots adhere (on average) to a cycle of time that lasts 11.08 years but what might their influence be on the occurrence of epidemics and voting patterns?

Title: Conversations with Pan

Speaker: Rock Ogilvie Crombie

During his life time, Rock Ogilvie Crombie was able to communicate with the elemental kingdoms and the beings associated with nature. Conversations with Pan, is an account of his meetings with Pan, providing a wonderful insight in to the relationship between the worlds of man and nature

Title: An Introduction to Astrology

Speaker: John Watson

A lecture in which John talks about the different types of astrology (natal, electional and horary) and the relevance and influence of the different houses. Using examples taken from natal charts he shows how they can be used to assess the character, potential and challenges that a person might face based upon the interpretation of their chart or heavenly map.

Title: Beyond Channelling into the New World

Speaker: Stanley Messenger

Humanity is surrounded by other forms of consciousness that are very keen to communicate with us. Verbal communication might therefore not be the main form of communication as we learn to interact and communicate inter-dimensionally. Stanley recounts his thoughts on channelling and his experiences as a channeller, discussing how humanity has to raise itself to a state of instantaneous consciousness with no sense of history or future but a sense of living in the now. In this state we will live inter-dimensionally unrestricted by the material limitations of matter

Title: Nourishing the Divine Seed Within Us

Speaker: Carol Fraser

A marvellous talk, that considers the nature of mankind from the perspective of the Hindu wisdom tradition (part of the ancient wisdom teachings). Carol begins by talking about the role of ritual (and sound in ritual), in connecting the cosmic microcosm with the cosmic macrocosm, before describing in more detail the nature of the cosmic dance and the divine seed. She then elaborates on the nature of humanity; its origins and its evolution as part of space and time. We all have the divine seed within us and by choosing to open to it, humanity can take a quantum leap forward in its evolution, fulfilling its role as a creator being. Carol describes how we might begin this process, by letting go of artificial thought structures and identities, and by opening to cosmic truths

Title: The Gnostic Gospels

Speaker: Andrew Welburn

Lost for nearly 2,000 years the Gnostic Gospels provide insight into the beginnings of Christianity and the original teachings of Jesus Christ. Andrew tells how the gospels came to be found and discusses the relevance of their content; how early Christianity is rooted in the teachings of the ancient mystery traditions that consider humans as cosmic spiritual beings, inextricably linked to universal consciousness

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