
Living is the super structure that we (humanity) have erected on life and on ourselves.

Living his trying to cope with the world (an impossibility) so we all compromise and settle for the best we can attain. Living is often not easy.

Life on the other hand is beautiful, life begins with nature. You don’t have to compromise with life; it is in you and around you. You are only unhappy when you are trying to contend with living whereas you don’t have to make compromises to enjoy life.

Total life is love but unfortunately love only constitutes a small part of living. When you are in love you are in contact with life; for life represents all that is beautiful and natural.

Unfortunately we have got into the habit of thinking that living is natural. Life is not to be confused with living until we can live in a way harmonious with life. 


Within our emotional bodies we carry the energies associated with the many different types of experiences from past lifetimes.  

At this time of planetary ascension we have the opportunity to cleanse and heal our emotional bodies by releasing those denser energies associated with lower emotions (such as resentment, guilt, fear, anger and frustration) and nurturing higher energetic vibrations associated with love, compassion and selflessness.

Individually and collectively we will all feel the effects of change, but it is important that we go with the flow, that we do not judge ourselves or succumb to fear, and we accept ourselves for what we are and open ourselves to our divinity. In doing so we begin to understand that we are light beings and far more than just beings limited to the consciousness of matter and 3rd dimensional form.

Consciousness and Matter


With every Breath I take, my Consciousness, which consists of my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs, is projected onto the atomic substance of physical matter.

What I think about, what I put my feelings and energy into, I am bringing into form.

Matter can therefore never be more important than consciousness.


The Astral World is the plane or dimension where everyone goes upon death, when the physical body is shed, but consciousness continues in the astral body.

A person in an astral body has passed into a non-physical dimension where they can continue their eternal development and expression, until ready to incarnate again on Earth or elsewhere for further lessons and experiences. 

As one evolves spiritually one moves from the lower into the higher astral planes and so into a  higher vibrational frequency resonant to their level of development. Those in the higher astral planes are closer to graduating into spiritual planes or etheric realms, but can also choose to incarnate again on Earth or another planet to undertake a spiritual mission.

Many beings including spiritual masters have volunteered to reside in the astral realms in order to be close to the Earth and help souls incarnated in physical form on the Earth to raise their energetic vibration.


Enlightenment, presented as a rarified state of consciousness virtually unobtainable by anyone living on Earth, is a concept that takes one further from the actual truth of the idea, which in essence is about being ordinary.

The way to enlightenment starts with understanding that we are all children of the universe and that we should strive to live as illumined beings. Every living creature in nature is illumined and through their existence they enrich the world. The morning trill of a songbird is but one example. 

We (humanity) are illumined creatures but with the capacity to stray from this state of being and so disconnect ourselves from the Logus and the universal energy underpinning truth. All to easily we confuse our minds with religious, scientific and political ideologies as well as with the intellectual clutter that we gather, when we think about how we should behave and what we should believe? 

To be ordinary is to be illumined; that is to say we let go of artificial constructs that create a phoney enlightenment and we learn to love ourselves and live our lives as warm hearted, compassionate and courageous human beings.

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